LG introduced the name of Super for its TVs, first the Super title in 2016 received HDR-enabled TVs, but since the support for this technology became a standard, and all manufacturers began to support the HDR standard. In 2017 it was announced that in the Super UHD TVs in 2017, improved displays are being installed.

Such displays are called Nano Cell. LG 8 and 9 series TVs are now included in a separate line of LG Super UHD TV 4K TVs.

Manufactured LG TVs are now divided into three categories by screen types.

  1. LED TV’s
  2. Super UHD TV 4K
  3. OLED TV’s

LG super UHD Nano Cell

Artigo anteriorNano Cell Technology Telas de TV LG
Próximo artigoDiferenças entre as TVs LG, SUPER UHD, 65SJ8000, 65SJ8500, 75SJ8570, 65SJ9500, 65SJ9570


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